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THE ZUTONS // You Will You Won't

By Sven K Finer in MUSIC 1752 views 8th Dec, 2023
Liverpool bands.. I've worked with quite a few over the years and they are always cool and edgy.. They all have their own style and never follow the crowd so to speak. Regular nights at The Cavern saw some quality underground bands taking to the stage. So when one breaks there is always a little excitement. Once you've heard their debut single you just have to go and get the album and give it a good listen..

The Zutons defo fit this mould.. The reason for this share other than they got some serious airplay on my recent holiday while sun bathing. Is they have just announced a UK tour in April 2024. The Album in question was Who Killed The Zutons.. Released in 2004 a whole 2 years before Tired Of Hanging Around which featured Valerie.. I'm sure someone else sang that..

So my story with these goes a bit like this.. In short.. It was 2008 (I think..) and I had a knock at the door. A sound engineer friend who I had just met while recording a band of mine with Noel Gallaghers guitar tech was stood there with 4 VIP tickets for V Fest.. The Verve were headlining so it was a no brainer.. I was going..

We bundled down there had a few beers and it was a choice between Kings Of Leon or The Zutons who were on separate stages.. It had to be The Zutons for me and one mate. The others went to watch Kings Of Leon who we caught a bit of later too like.. They were brilliant and considering the big name band on the main stage it was rammed..

So if you don't know the band. They are now..Dave McCabe who is the frontman and singer songwriter.. Sean Payne is the drummer and the excellent Saxophonist Abi Harding completes the line up.. Buy their albums if you get the chance. There isn't a bad song on them and if you can get to a show you will not be disappointed..

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